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Why? Because the NYC horse carriages don’t need saving anymore, thanks to supporters who have worked tirelessly to get the message out about the New York City carriage horses, their high-quality care, and the people that work with them.
Still, there are always some people who remain unfortunately misinformed about carriage horses in New York City and elsewhere. This website,, is intended to be a vital resource to continue to educate the public and elected officials about carriage horses. #CarriageOn
Save NYC Horse Carriages is a 10-minute mini-documentary about the carriage industry in New York City. It was debuted in May 2014, at the Horse Trade theater in the East Village.
Narrated by Liam Neeson
Written and Directed by Mary Haverstick
Executive Produced by Vanessa N. Weber
Music by Michele Mercure
Mary Haverstick and Michele Mercure at Haverstick & Mercure Films are currently in post-production on a full-length documentary about the battle to save NYC horse carriages, The Last Horsemen of New York, scheduled to premiere in 2017.
This is excellent and yes the horse sitting in the backyard without a job is the one in Jeopardy. We have been to the stables and personally seen the carriage horses (without notice). These horses are under so much regulation they can’t sneeze without being checked on. The horses are slick and shiny . The stalls are roomy and clean and the hay is plentiful! To deny a horse of social interaction with humans is cruel. The tradition of carriage driving is essential to Central Park, it was built to be enjoyed by horse-drawn carriage.
BS You obviously know nothing about horses. And your rationale for the many who are mistreated and those who tragically die?
The activists need to visit the stables and talk to the people who care for the horses. So sad that some people are so easily influenced by people who don’t even know what they are talking about.
Horses are so much a part of our country’s (and the world’s) history. Most people who work with horses are good people who care deeply about the welfare of their horses.
If history were not being re-written in our schools the children might be more aware of the truth. If family farms were not disappearing into huge super-farms and children had more access to see country life, children might appreciate history more.
again, BS.
its BULLsht this is FAKE NEWS no horse should live in high rise buildings breathe in daily fumes never see pasture stand for hours in hot son hauling lazy fat people for a joy ride This sheer cruelty and must end
I couldn’t sleep last night because my son told me that the carriage horses are treated cruelly and have untreated sores on their bodies etc. Now I have read that this is just not true and this is highly regulated so My mind is at ease. My son is misinformed. I have read all the regulations. I love animals and owned a cat for19and a half years…my beloved Tutti.Lois from Belmont MA
Oh, well then all is well. Very discriminating. No one can put one over on you. Jeezus.
(palimpsests). In the XIII-XV centuries in